Thank you for your donation to the World of Arallyn Roleplay on Secondlife.

Donations help offset the costs of running the sims we own on secondlife. We are non-profit.



Current costs for direct payments to Linden Labs for the sims. 

Arallyn: 259.00+ 16.19 for State Tax in Texas = 275.19 USD

Arallyn 2: 259.00+ 16.19 for State Tax in Texas = 275.19 USD

Total Monthly Cost: $558.38 USD




For donors of 20.00/month USD or higher You will receive a free house rental on arallyn. You also can receive in world holiday gifts/Store cards/ and special Aralife items. (LI allowance may increase with higher donations. Your terminal will be updated monthly based on your donation.)


We will be adding an in world and website Donators page.